Monday, September 29, 2008

One measly word . . . sooooo much trouble!

So I start blogging, and immediately get my bad self into some big trouble. When I wrote "and coming tomorrow. . .Ode to Keane", what I meant was "Can't wait to do my post tomorrow night after Enrichment, and Ty's math homework, and if I don't get it done Thursday, I can just do it when I finish putting together my Super Saturday sign ups" (which for us is actually Fantastic Friday, thx for the idea Sarah!). Well I most certainly had NO idea what was entailed in creating a Super Mormon Craft Day. The sign ups, the photos, the pricing, the ideas, the paint colors. We had a family reunion all day Saturday so long story, lengthy excuses later, and a few scathing remarks from family members tonight, and here I am again to make good on my promise.

But seriously folks, let's focus on the bigger picture. I did my first post on Wednesday, and I am doing my second on Sunday. That is not too bad right? I will never use the "tomorrow" word again unless I mean it.

Are we good now? Yeah? Ok let's get started then . . .

1 comment:

Brian Ellsworth said...

I'm still waiting for the "ode to Keane".......